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to have one's hands full

  • 1 Hand

    P. and V. χείρ, ἡ.
    Left hand: P. and V. ριστερά, V. λαιά, ἡ.
    Right hand: P. and V. δεξιά, ἡ.
    On which hand? V. ποτέρας τῆς χερός; (Eur., Cycl. 681).
    On the right hand: P. and V. ἐν δεξιᾷ, Ar. and P. ἐκ δεξιᾶς.
    On the left hand: P. and V. ἐξ ριστερᾶς; see under Left.
    On either hand: P. ἑκατέρωθεν.
    On the other hand, on the contrary: P. and V. αὖ, Ar. and V. αὖτε.
    At the hands of: P. and V. πρός (gen.). ἐκ (gen.).
    At second hand: see under Second.
    At hand, ready, adj.: P. and V. πρόχειρος.
    Near: use adv. P. and V. ἐγγύς, πλησίον, πέλας; see Near.
    Be at hand: P. and V. παρεῖναι; see be present.
    Hand to hand, adj.: P. στάδιος; adv.: P. συσταδόν.
    The battle was stubborn, and hand to hand throughout: P. ἦν ἡ μάχη καρτερὰ καὶ ἐν χερσὶ πᾶσα (Thuc. 4, 43).
    Off-hand, short in speech, adj.: P. βραχύλογος; on the spur of the moment, adv.: P. and V. φαύλως, P. ἐξ ἐπιδρομῆς, ἐξ ὑπογυίου.
    Get the upper hand: P. and V. κρατεῖν, νικᾶν, P. πλεονεκτεῖν; see Conquer.
    Die by one's own hand: V. αὐτόχειρ θνήσκειν.
    You dared not do this deed of murder with your own hand: V. δρᾶσαι τόδʼ ἔργον οὐκ ἔτλης αὐτοκτόνως (Æsch., Ag. 1635).
    Made by hand, artificial, adj.: P. χειροποίητος.
    Lay hands on, v.: P. and V. ἅπτεσθαι (gen. ἐφάπτεσθαι (gen.), λαμβνεσθαι (gen.), ἀντιλαμβνεσθαι (gen.), ἐπιλαμβνεσθαι (gen.), V. θιγγνειν (gen.) (Xen. but rare P.), ψαύειν (gen.) (rare P.).
    Don't lay hands on me: Ar. μὴ πρόσαγε τὴν χεῖρά μοι (Lys. 893).
    They ought to bear evidence against me with their hands laid on the victims: P. δεῖ αὐτοὺς... ἁπτομένους τῶν σφαγίων καταμαρτυρεῖν ἐμοῦ (Ant. 130).
    Have a hand in, share in, v.: P. and V. μετέχειν (gen.), μεταλαμβνειν (gen.), κοινοῦσθαι (gen. or acc), συμμετέχειν (gen.), V. συμμετίσχειν (gen.).
    Meddle with: P. and V. ἅπτεσθαι (gen.), V. ψαύειν (gen.), θιγγνειν (gen.), ἐπιψαύειν (gen.); see Touch.
    Lift hand against: see raise finger against, under Finger.
    Put in a person's hands, v.: P. ἐγχειρίζειν (τινί, τι).
    Take in hand, v.: Ar. and P. μεταχειρίζειν (or mid.), P. and V. ἐγχειρεῖν (dat.), ἐπιχειρεῖν (dat.), ναιρεῖσθαι, αἴρεσθαι, ἅπτεσθαι (gen.); see Manage, Undertake.
    Having one's hands full, adj.: P. and V. ἄσχολος; see Busy.
    Because they had so many dead on their hands already: P. διὰ τὸ συχνοὺς ήδη προτεθνάναι σφίσι (Thuc. 2, 52).
    They began to get out of hand: P. ἤρξαντο ἀτακτότεροι γενέσθαι (Thuc. 8, 105).
    Keep a tight hand on the allies: P. τὰ τῶν συμμάχων διὰ χειρὸς ἔχειν (Thuc. 2, 13).
    Rule with a high hand: P. ἄρχειν ἐγκρατῶς (absol.) (Thuc. 1, 76)
    Those present carried matters with such a high hand: P. εἰς τοῦτο βιαιότητος ἦλθον οἱ παρόντες (Lys. 167).
    Hand in marriage: use V. γμος, or pl., λέκτρον, or pl., λέχος, or pl.
    A suitor for your hand: V. τῶν σῶν γάμων μνηστήρ (Æsch., P.V. 739).
    Give your sister's hand to Pylades: V. Πυλάδῃ δʼ ἀδελφῆς λέκτρον δός (Eur., Or. 1658).
    v. trans.
    P. and V. παραδιδόναι.
    Hold out, offer: P. and V. ὀρέγειν.
    Hand down: P. and V. παραδιδόναι.
    Hand in (accounts, etc.): P. ἀποφέρειν.
    Hand over: P. and V. παραδιδόναι, ἐκδιδόναι, προστιθέναι.
    Give up: P. and V. φιέναι.
    Hand round: P. and V. περιφέρειν.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Hand

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  • To have one's hands full — Hand Hand (h[a^]nd), n. [AS. hand, hond; akin to D., G., & Sw. hand, OHG. hant, Dan. haand, Icel. h[ o]nd, Goth. handus, and perh. to Goth. hin[thorn]an to seize (in comp.). Cf. {Hunt}.] 1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • have one's hands full — Have much to do, be very busy, have much upon one s hands, be under a press of business …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • have one's hands full — {v. phr.} To have as much work as you can do; be very busy. * /The plumber said that he had his hands full and could not take another job for two weeks./ * /With three small children to take care of, Susie s mother has her hands full./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • have one's hands full — {v. phr.} To have as much work as you can do; be very busy. * /The plumber said that he had his hands full and could not take another job for two weeks./ * /With three small children to take care of, Susie s mother has her hands full./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • have\ one's\ hands\ full — v. phr. To have as much work as you can do; be very busy. The plumber said that he had his hands full and could not take another job for two weeks. With three small children to take care of, Susie s mother has her hands full …   Словарь американских идиом

  • have one's hands full — verb To be busy or thoroughly preoccupied. He already has his hands full with two kids and a full time job, yet he still makes time to volunteer …   Wiktionary

  • have one's hands full — be fully engaged, have much to do, be fully occupied …   English contemporary dictionary

  • In one's hands — Hand Hand (h[a^]nd), n. [AS. hand, hond; akin to D., G., & Sw. hand, OHG. hant, Dan. haand, Icel. h[ o]nd, Goth. handus, and perh. to Goth. hin[thorn]an to seize (in comp.). Cf. {Hunt}.] 1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Off one's hands — Hand Hand (h[a^]nd), n. [AS. hand, hond; akin to D., G., & Sw. hand, OHG. hant, Dan. haand, Icel. h[ o]nd, Goth. handus, and perh. to Goth. hin[thorn]an to seize (in comp.). Cf. {Hunt}.] 1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • On one's hands — Hand Hand (h[a^]nd), n. [AS. hand, hond; akin to D., G., & Sw. hand, OHG. hant, Dan. haand, Icel. h[ o]nd, Goth. handus, and perh. to Goth. hin[thorn]an to seize (in comp.). Cf. {Hunt}.] 1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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